Payment Policy

  • All payments must be made with an accompanying registration form prior to the child participating in our activities.
  • If payment is not made and a valid reason provided prior to the activity commencing, BK Sports reserves the right to cancel your child’s activity place.
  • A receipt will be provided as confirmation of your booking.
  • All prices are based on a termly fee.
  • If joining part way through an academic term the fees will be pro-rated.

Refund and Cancellation policy 
Refunds will only be issued under the following circumstances (evidence will be required)

  • Major illness
  • Hospitalization and rehabilitation exceeding one week
  • Relocation outside of Qatar

Administration and Refund handling charges are applied.


Sibling discounts will automatically be calculated at time of booking.
Where participants have other valid discounts, these will be calculated and added when booking.